Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Diagnosis

Ok, here it is: I have a Grade III Oligoastrocytoma, which has aspects both of Oligodendrogliomas and of more progressive Astrocytomas.

Thankfully, it is not yet a Grade IV (think Ted Kennedy), but it is also not a Grade I or a Grade II (which would have been divine), and it certainly is likely that within a decade or so it will progress to a Grade IV. We'll see, because medicine advances pretty quickly each year. Either way, I've got an appointment with my neurosurgeon this Tuesday at 9:30, when we'll go ahead and discuss further treatment options. I'm not exactly sure what we discussed this morning (it was kind of a blur, to be completely honest), but I do remember something about both Chemo and Radiation; something of a one-two punch to hopefully knock this sucker out. Anyway there it is; "Brain Cancer." Bam. Now it's official and we can finally move on to treatment.


  1. Damn Cancer Go Away! Well i don't have to tell you to keep fighting, hoping that the one two punch does the trick... Thank You for your positive spirit it is certainly a source of inspiration to all that know you...


  2. Brian,

    I think I speak for everyone when I say that, although it is not the news we hoped for, we really appreciate your candor and courage in putting it out there as soon as you heard. It would have been easy to want some time to privately grapple with the diagnosis, but your readership (and world wide web of friends) is grateful for being kept posted. Let Dave and I know if you want visitors this weekend- we can bring slingbox information, gourmet red meats, or whatever other kind of support you need.

  3. Dear Brian,

    Thank you for sharing your story and being the smart, brave and inspiring guy you are. I want you to thrive! You and Amanda are in my prayers. I hope your treatment is easy and extremely effective.

    Love ~Chonyi

  4. We love you and are praying for you in San Jose.

  5. "Hit 'em with the left, hit 'em with the right..." You got this bro. Stay tough.

  6. Hi brian. I dont think I've met you but I'm part of CLS and have been getting the emails and following your blog. You're in my prayers often. Keep us updated, and we'll keep praying. God will always provide. We're here for you.

  7. Hey Brian,

    I don't know what to say. But I guess I should get in touch with Lindsey to see what we can do, instead of bothering you. If there is anything specifically that I can help or a specific time when we CAN visit you. Please let me know. As always, I'm keeping you and Amanda in my prayers and want to know how we can help.
